Forgiving Forward

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Forgiving Forward Coaching Intensive

Equipping You to Help Others Forgive

Forgiving Forward exists to help people experience the freedom of the Gospel through the power of forgiveness. We believe that unforgiveness is one of the most significant hindrances to people experiencing the Life Jesus died to give us. God expects forgiven people to forgive others, but we find that most people who need to forgive need help doing that. One of the things that makes Forgiving Forward unique is our emphasis on equipping people to help others to forgive. 

Toni and I have personally coached hundreds of individuals and couples to freedom through forgiveness. We have witnessed incredible breakthroughs - marriages restored, depressions lifted, addictions released and hearts freed. Other than leading someone to faith in Christ, nothing thrills our heart like coaching someone to forgive.

There are people everywhere that need help forgiving - more people than we can personally help! This is why we have developed the Forgiving Forward Coaching Intensive. Building on what we teach in the Forgiving Forward Seminar or Course, the Coaching Intensive equips you with the tools you need to coach others to freedom. We will teach you the theological foundation that undergirds the Forgiving Forward message as well as practical “hands-on” principles and practices of the Forgiving Forward model. Plus, you will witness a live and unrehearsed coaching session. 

We have shared this training material, both around the US and internationally, to individuals, churches, ministry centers, businesses, and Christian counselors. The response has been amazing! Here are a few testimonies:

“I loved the Forgiving Forward message from the first moment I heard it.  When I went to the Coaching Intensive, it changed my life in multiple ways.  The thrill of sitting down with someone hurting and struggling with unforgiveness and coaching them to freedom is beyond what I could ever dream of experiencing with God using me in the lives of others. When I see the freedom in someone’s face it is the most rewarding thing I can ever do. Period. I love it, and it has become my passion in life.” 

Charlene Sims, Forgiveness Coach in Dallas Texas

and Founder of The Master’s Press

“In my twenty years of ministry, Forgiving Forward has been the single most powerful tool God has used to bring about radical change and meaningful healing to the church. Bruce and Toni came on four separate occasions, 3 Seminars and 1 Coaching Intensive, helping to create and sustain a forgiveness revolution at our church. Our people are now, more than ever, forgiving amongst themselves and recognizing unforgiveness in others. They are now equipped to assist others in the act of forgiveness. I hear reports weekly of someone being liberated from wounds of the past by learning how to forgive as Christ does.”

              Chris Gilliam, Pastor and Executive Director of Reaching Romania

“The Coaching Intensive equipped me to be a part of a life changing ministry! I had no idea going into it! Two days after, The Lord showed me that He was calling me to coach people so they may receive His forgiveness and His healing! The freedom received is truly a miracle each and every time!”

Lea Cockerham, Forgiveness Coach in Birmingham, Alabama

   and Dream Team Leader, Church of the Highlands

Our passion is to raise an ever-expanding team of Forgiveness Coaches to help us spread the forgiveness revolution.

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